Wednesday 19 February 2020

What is Prayer?


Set aside a specific time to pray today. Perhaps your first prayer could be, "Lord, I ask for Your help and Your divine power to assist me in faithfully and consistently praying over the next 30 days.


Reading: John 14:13-14
Psalm: Ps5

In John 14:13-14 He says “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

If you wanted to talk to your best friend you’d call him or her up and just pour out your heart to them.

I have a friend that tells me things that he tells no other. He knows that he can trust me not to gossip about what he shares with me.

I keep what he tells me in confidence. So too is praying to God…it is talking to God and pouring out our hearts to Him.

It is telling Him all our fears, concerns, anxieties, and worries and holding nothing back.

It is asking for things that we cannot do for ourselves and asking for His help in things that we are helpless to affect. Prayer is talking to God through Jesus Christ.

Matthew 26:41, Matthew 6:13
"Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

Jesus was tempted by Satan and He stood against satan because He has the power to overcome temptations. In our life, we are faced with many trials and temptation which makes us to have divided attention to our God the father. We need to pray as Jesus instructed us to pray not to enter into temptation. We need the power to overcome temptation.
Pray for the power to overcome temptation.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Ephesians 6:18
Psalm 27

How many times, when faced with a difficult situation, do we manipulate, plan, scheme, dream, and yet do not pray?

You can pray anywhere, anytime about anything. Tell God about your needs. Pray for your family and your friends. Pray when you are in pain and when you're living in victory. Pray about your finances and your future. Beginning today, make prayer a non-negotiable, necessary part of your day.

Today's Prayer
Dear Father who gave us His only begotten Son, I ask of you today to give me the opportunity to be praying in every situation, no matter what condition I found myself please give me the strength to pray.

Luke 18:1, James 4:2, Luke 11:2

Psalms 51

We are commanded to pray. Prayer is a demonstration of our obedience to God. It is one of the essentials of the Christian life. Prayer is also an opportunity to receive from our heavenly Father all that He desires to give.

Heavenly Father gives me the heart of obedient a humble heart that will make me obey you in all things. May my present situation be conformed to your will and obedience.

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