Tuesday 27 September 2022



How do we determine right from wrong?

Is it a feeling that we get?  Is it something that others teach us? 

Sometimes telling right from wrong is obvious.  Other times, it can be more difficult to decipher.  As Christians, it is important for us to have a source for determining right from wrong.  One that never changes, is always available, and that we can have complete faith in.


As we contemplate the best way to determine right from wrong, one of the things we will hear people say is that they just, “Listen to their hearts.” 

But is that what God wants us to do?  Simply follow our gut?

Consider the following scripture:

“There is a way which seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death.” – Proverbs 14:12.

Satan is the master of deception.  Sometimes he will try to tempt us into doing things that we know are wrong.  Other times he will be much more subtle in his approach. 

Maybe there is something that we start doing because we believe it is the right thing to do and something changes.  When this happens, it is easy to get confused about what to do if we do not have an absolute source for determining right from wrong.  One that never changes, and that we can have complete faith in.

Without a “true north” to function as our moral compass, it would be difficult to always make the right decision.  This begs the question, “If we cannot always trust our own feelings to determine right from wrong, how are we supposed to know what is right?”

There are only two answers:

The Bible,

The Holy Spirit.

We will look at each of these in more detail and then the lesson will be yours. 


“All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

This scripture is great news!  It tells us that God inspired every word of the Bible.  Not some of the words, all of them!

God gave us His Word, in writing, so that we can decipher right from wrong.  In the above scripture, Paul lists four things that we are to use the Bible for:

For teaching, 

To rebuke,

For correction,

For training in righteousness.

There is no other source for determining right from wrong that is inspired directly by God that we can have complete faith in.

Not social media,

Not the 24-hour news networks,

Not our friends,

Not our family,

Not even our own thoughts!

That is why it is so important for us to know what the Bible says on all matters! 

Paul wrote to Timothy:

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15. 

The same holds true for us.  If we do not study to understand the Bible, how can we be expected to apply it correctly when we are faced with a big decision or moral dilemma?

Therefore, we must study the Bible regularly, just as Jesus did when He was on earth. Only then, can we correctly apply the wisdom of the Bible to the situations that we encounter in our own lives.


At times in our lives, we may encounter questions or have to make a decision that we cannot answer from scripture alone.   It is in these times that the Holy Spirit can guide us.   If the Bible teaches us “What” we are to do, the Holy Spirit lets us feel it.   The two will always agree.   They will never contradict one another.   John wrote about this in his first epistle:

“By this, you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist.” – 1 John 4:2.

God sent the Holy Spirit to help us.   We receive the Holy Spirit when we are baptized, just as Jesus did.   The Holy Spirit helps us through feelings, not words.  When used in conjunction with the inspired words of the Bible, we have all that we need to properly determine right from wrong.


We are blessed to have the Bible and Holy Spirit to allow us to determine right from wrong. 

The two are always in agreement and never change. 

Because both the Bible and the Holy Spirit come directly from God, we can trust that they will always align, and that we can use them both as our “true north,” or moral compass.  There is no other source that comes directly from God for us to use.

The more time we spend in God’s word, the better we will become at determining right from wrong. Not according to the world’s definitions, but more importantly, according to the will of God! 

We will end today’s lesson by revisiting Paul’s second letter to Timothy. It reminds us that we must devote ourselves to being in God’s word so that we can properly interpret it and apply it to our lives.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15.

September Devotionals



People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a snare, people are often caught by sudden tragedy. Ecclesiastes 9:12 Always have hope for the blessings ahead of you and not the present trouble. We must be people that can manage the difficult circumstances that come into our lives. When the crisis comes, the challenge on us is how to overcome and how to finesse through the challenge. David was in a difficult situation as recorded in 2 Sam 12 v 13-23. Bathsheba his wife had just given birth to a son and the child became deathly ill. Immediately, David went into prayer for the healing of the child, he fasted and lay on the ground all night.

It was a desperate moment that needed desperate measures from the king. For seven days, David’s prayers for the child went on. His state was a sorry one and all the people in the palace did not know what to do with the king. The King’s daily duties were forgotten for seven days as he tried to deal with this issue. The child however died. David’s response is noteworthy. After receiving the bad news, he rose up, washed, anointed himself and changed his clothes. He went into the house of the Lord and worshipped Him. When he came to his own house, bread was given to him and he ate. The intriguing thing is the people in the palace expected David to be worse after hearing the news of the death of the child and upon asking why he reacted in the most unlikely manner,

David said the Lord had done as he pleased, further agony and sorrow on his part was not going to bring him back. God loves you so much and He wants you to pick up the pieces and move from that place of lamentation. God still has much in store for you; there is no reason for you to think this is the end of your own journey. I know the situation is hurting you but do not try to reverse what you cannot reverse, rather praise the Lord for what he has done in your life. After the death of this child, God blessed David with Solomon who later became the heir to his throne. God will still give you friends, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. Just hold on and let his grace lift you up. Rise up and eat some bread for there is still a long journey ahead of you. Do not let your set back deprive you of the blessings that are head of you.  



“Remember Lot's wife.” Luke 17:32 I was amazed as I went through Luke Chapter 17:32. It is loaded with great meaning. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah captures the wrath of God over two cities that had become wayward and denied the grace of God completely through their sin. Lot and his family happened to live in one of these cities but because of the prayers of Abraham, God saved him and his family.

What is eye catching about this verse is that in the whole New Testament, this is the only time that Lot’s wife is referred to. What can we possibly learn from remembering Lot’s wife? When Lot and his family were taken out by the angels of the Lord, they had an instruction not to look back. They were to leave Sodom and Gomorrah and all that was in it. They had lived in those cities, their lives were there, and these cities were part of them. Their friends and relatives were there and yet God said to them, ‘Don’t look back!’ When they were told to leave, they left the city in a hurry because God’s anger over the cities was so great. Lot’s wife was in motion but the moment she looked back she became a monument! she looked back She turned into a pillar of salt. She disobeyed an express command. There are many people in the Church today, who have become stagnant and have stopped growing because they looked back and disobeyed the command that had been given. The Lord does not give us a provision of giving up in this life. Even when we are hurt by the circumstances of this life, the Lord wants us to carry on and maintain our focus on Him.

This is hard but when you remember Lot’s wife, you will not want to turn into a monument. There is one thing about a monument; it stays where it has been put. If placed in a valley, a monument will stay there. It has no will of its own but is dragged around by others. Forget what lies behind, past hurts, past failures and past disappointments. Continual meditation on these will simply turn you into a monument. You will stop growing and your passions and dreams will die. When that happens, your purpose in this world will be aborted. Paul forgot what lay behind and pressed on towards the mark.

Drag yourself towards your goals even in moments when the temptation to look back is great. God has a prize ahead of you and the price for it is resisting the temptation of looking back (Philippians 3:13-14). Isaiah 42 v 9 says that it is imperative to forget the former things before we can fully appreciate the new things. Lot’s wife had a problem appreciating the new thing that the Lord was doing, she failed to comprehend the intensity of God’s visitation for her family because her heart was still in Sodom and Gomorrah. You cannot effectively cling to the things ahead of you unless you effectively leave the things that are behind. The Lord will not fill your hands with new things if they are still full of old ones.



So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. (Psalm 90 v 12) The successful and the not so successful people have one thing in common. They are all given a twenty-four-hour day. Nothing can be done to change this truth. The poor and the rich also have this in common. Time is one of the most precious resources that we are all given. To succeed in anything, time has to be used properly and with diligence. Of all the resources that you have, time is the most important one that you will never be able to buy back in case you have lost it. You can lose your house, your car and even money but these can be bought back. No court on earth can order anyone to restitute you of your time.

You have to live with the fact that you are past yesterday and you have added another day to your age. Time is constantly moving and as it moves, it closes old windows of opportunity and opens other windows. Learn to discern how you will utilize your time. Your future depends on what you do today and how you invest your time. Don’t waste time dwelling on the mistakes you made yesterday. Learn from yesterday’s experiences but do not waste more time lamenting the errors thereof! Success demands strict time management and a realization that every minute is precious towards goal attainment. Every second that passes could as well be your success and your recognition.

Never allow idleness to get hold of you because idleness consumes time. Evaluate yourself on a daily basis. Evaluate the things you have done that contribute to your ultimate goal. Never take things for granted. Do not leave your success to chance. Your success will come from deliberate efforts that are carefully ordered on a daily basis, minute by minute and second by second. Success is not an accidental thing; it comes out of diligent time management. Living your success to chance is a disaster in the making, it will cause you to die disappointed and miss your opportunities because of failing to discern the seasons. Leaving things to chance will cripple your progress and hinder you from attaining those goals that are so precious to you. Be possessive of your time, hug your time to your heart and do not allow anyone to take it from you.

Do not allow events, no matter how painful or exciting slow you down. Success is tailored in time; it is the wrapping paper in which success comes in. If that time is missed, if the season has passed sadly success would also have been missed. Time for you is in the present, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Make it a habit not to spare for the future what you can do in the today. The future is not yours, what you have is the present. The Psalmist recognized how precious time was and he asked for strength and wisdom to number his days. If you can manage your time well, you can manage every other resource.



May our sons flourish in their youth like well-nurtured plants. May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace? May our farms be filled with crops of every kind. May the flocks in our fields multiply by the thousands, even tens of thousands, and may our oxen be loaded down with produce. May there be no breached walls, no forced exile, no cries of distress in our squares. Yes, happy are those who have it like this! Happy indeed are those whose God is the LORD. (PSALM 144:12-15) Those who are parents will tell you that their main desire for their children is that they live securely even long after they are gone.

The truth however is all the insurance companies of this world could never be compared to the assurance that is found in God. His care and love for us goes beyond our imagination. God desires that you receive abundance; He desires that your own children benefit from your investment of faith in the Lord. Your farms must be filled with not only one crop but with crops of every kind. Your oxen must be loaded down with produce.

These are the works of your hands, your business, your job and everything that brings revenue into your life, God wants it all to be loaded down with produce. You have security in Him, today He is saying NO to breached walls, no to forced exile, no cries of distress in your squares or streets. It might be looking gloomy, God is saying NO to the things that were opposing you. This is the promise of the Lord to you. That opposition that you were facing cannot stop you for God has arisen on your behalf. This battle is not yours, it is the Lord’s! Is anyone trying to unseat you or send you into exile? The Lord has said NO to all this… You will prevail because He Has said so. Those calls of distress will not be heard within your walls anymore because the Lord God Almighty has declared it.



So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it.” Heb 4 v 16 (NLT) By now you should have figured out that life is not always rosy and that there are challenges every step of the way. Those who make it in life are the people that never give up. It is an established fact that winners never quit and quitters never win. Your situation today is not an indication of your tomorrow.

Before you give up, remember that we have a God who enjoys giving us victory. What we pass through today is perfecting us for our ultimate destiny. God has given us access to His throne. He did not call us to be apologetic about our position in Christ but to behave like sons and approach His throne boldly. Your background does not matter, approach God’s throne with boldness. Your problem is never too big for him for He is the author and the finisher of your faith. Many believers are not daring to approach the Lord’s throne but there is a lot of joy in doing that When you learn the habit of approaching Him boldly, your obstacles will continually melt in His presence. Those who have mastered the habit of approaching God’s throne will testify that all the things that appeared like mountains in their lives turned into little ant hills, they can testify that their deserts burst out with streams of rivers.

You might look like nobody today and it feels right to give up, there is victory that is available for you if you only focus on God. You are not a failure and there is no reason for you to feel so. Lean on the Lord and His life will permeate through you. He is the one that says come unto me you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. You can lift your head high and allow your praise song to come out of your mouth because it is not over for you yet. Your situation is not your end; it is just a comma in the sentence of your life.



As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. DEU 32:11-12 (KJV) Towards the end of Moses' life as recorded in the book of Deuteronomy, he began to give important words to the children of Israel. These were words they needed to hold on to because their success or failure depended on them. The Lord gave Moses a song and this song is recorded in Deuteronomy 32. As I read the Song of Moses, verse 11 and 12 stood out. The verses were a shining gem and I started meditating on them and knew I should encourage you with this word. Nature is full of great biblical lessons for us. Visualize an eagle with the little ones that are supposed to take their first flying lesson and they are comfortable in their nest that is high up (Jer 49:16).

The height of the nest depicts security and comfort and all the little eagles have ever known is comfort. One day, the mother eagle comes and destroys the nest-she destroys the comfort zone because her desire is that the little ones move on to the next level. Imagine the eaglets crying to the mother to stop it! Looking at the mother and thinking, "has she gone crazy...why is she destroying our place of refuge, why is she destroying our comfort?" All the time the eagle is thinking, this is the time for my little ones to go to the next level. A time for them to discover that they have wings and that they can soar and not just sit in the comfortable nest waiting to be fed. A lot of us can identify with the above, look at the Lord as being the mother eagle and we are the little eaglets that are comfortable in our nests and comfort zones.

So many times the Lord has shaken us out of our comfort zones for us to discover our potential. Have you been stirred lately, has your comfort zone been destroyed? It is the Lord who is telling you that you are ready for your ‘Flying lesson Number One.’ The eagle will bear the little one's wing on the tip of her own wing in the first lesson. Though the course is obviously difficult, when the little eagle obeys, it will not fail. It is in moments like these that the Lord demands that we observe, obey and follow what He is doing. Our God is a God of restoration; He is a God who builds cities from ruins.



But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2Cor 4:7 A mere look with the natural eye will not reveal it, you would dismiss the Gold Field as a simple space, good for nothing.

However, those who know can always tell, they can always distinguish a piece of land that has gold or treasure below it from that with nothing. In this hi-tech generation, machines and computer programs have been developed to do this. In the same way, when you look at yourself with the natural eye, it is easy to dismiss yourself as good for nothing. You may think of yourself as a failure or a mistake. The Word tells us that you were fashioned by the Lord when you were in your mother's womb.. That means that we carry a special destiny with us, we are designed for special purpose.

Did you know that even the very hairs of your head a numbered? Yea it is very easy for you not to notice but the Lord carefully watches over you. Why do you look without for things that are within? Many have failed to realize that the Lord has put something awesome inside them. There is a gold field within you, a field that carries treasures that this world has never seen. You have abilities in you. Outside, you are merely an earthly tabernacle, wearing an Earth-Suit. The earth suit on its own is nothing but dust but God carefully put treasure in that delicate body. He has done this so that the excellence of power maybe of God and not of us. Others consider themselves not beautiful, others consider themselves too fat, and this makes them miss out on the treasure God has put inside them. A few however have managed to overcome their exterior limitations, they have managed to remove the rubble that hindered them and reached out for the treasure.

When you dig for natural gold, you have to remove rubble and invest strength and resources to get the gold/ treasure. This principle applies also for the treasure that is in you; you need to do some digging, to go on a journey of discovery. In this journey, you need to invest time and resources. You cannot discover the treasure over night; you have to work on it. Do not be perplexed child of God by the limitations that exist outside you, Stop panicking when your environment closes in.

There is a God in Heaven who has put all you need to cope inside you. He has designed you as an overcomer! All that you have been looking for is safely stored within you. Go out there and give the world the opportunity to see that the excellence of power is not of man but God. The day you start digging your internal gold field is the day you will start leaving a mark in this world. A lot have died and have been buried with that treasure, make a decision today to start digging.



How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished! 2 Samuel 1:27 In all the things that I have gone through, God was aware and He was leading me in His paths. I was humbled to realize that no matter how I strayed, the Lord was with me all the way, shaping my destiny. David wrote this song as a funeral song for Saul and Jonathan when they were killed in battle. As I looked back, I saw how those that are called mighty and those that had great strength are not there today. I thought of the excellent students that were better than me in school.

The question that came to me was, "Where are they?" I could not find an answer, the only thing I could say was, "Thou knowest oh Lord... some of them are no longer alive today." I am here because the Lord was shaping my destiny, He held me in His righteous right hand. From time immemorial, the mighty in this world have fallen but those who depended on the Lord have stood upright. Know who you have trusted in.

When you look at the situations that are surrounding you today, remember that the Lord shapes the destiny of His own. No level of intimidation can avert the grace of God that is upon your life. How the mighty have fallen and the weapons of war perished... Psalms 46 v 9 tells us that the Lord causes wars to end. He breaks the bow and snaps the spear in two; he burns the shields with fire. When the battle lines are drawn against you, remember that there is only one constant power, that of the El Shaddai God.




This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Josh 1 v 8 (KJV) Purpose is a wonderful thing but it is not complete unless there is fulfillment of that purpose. It would be failure to miss the things you are supposed to do on this earth by just a small fraction. It is God’s desire that we empty ourselves of everything he put in us and be a complete blessing to the world. Joshua had just taken over leadership from the great man Moses. His was going to be a mammoth task because Moses was a successful predecessor; he had run his part of the race well.

Joshua needed to be successful and certainly needed someone to show him the way to the top. In the above scripture, the Lord speaks to Joshua and gives him the formula which if we all follow today, we will impact this world like we never imagined. Joshua was told that everything was in the Word; all success tools are in there. His part was to find them and apply them in his life every day and he would never fail. Mahatma Gandhi spoke forcefully to Christians when he said the following: "You Christians have in your keeping a document with enough dynamite in it to blow the whole of civilization to bits, to turn society upside down, to bring peace to this war-torn world. But you read it as if it were just good literature, and nothing else." For too long we have sought success from other ends.

The Word of the Lord is "powerful, sharper than a two edged sword." (HEB 4:12) Many times we treat the Word as if it was a rusty, blunt knife. This is the time to audit your life, and discover how rich you are. Discover how the Lord has invested power in you through His Word. When you take the Word, there is no mountain that is insurmountable and there is no problem with no solution. David understood the secret and he says in Psalms 119, "Thy Word have I hidden in my heart." Joshua was commanded to study the Word continually, meditate on it day and night and to be sure to obey everything in it.

The promise was that he would enjoy not just success but good success. Joshua stands as one of the greatest leaders of all time and the secret is in the Word. The Word changes those who read it, meditate on it and act on it. Surrender religion and get a relationship with the Lord that continually draws you towards His Word. What has been filling your mind? What have you been meditating on? "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Pro 23:7) You are a sum total of the things that you meditate on and think about. When you take the Word and make it your companion during the day and at night, that act alone will transform your thinking patterns




The king had a fleet of trading ships that sailed with Hiram's fleet. Once every three years the ships returned, loaded down with gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks. 1 Kings 10:22 (NLT) Are you battle weary? Is this the state you have degenerated into? Tired of fighting? Rise up and fight again. Having done all to stand you need to stand therefore (Ephesians 6:13). When God gives a promise, it is yes and amen in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 1:20). There is a waiting period, a period of incubation in which you need to wait expectantly and endure hardship as a good soldier of the Lord.

Those who wait upon the Lord shall surely renew their strength. Long ago, there was no sophisticated telecommunication technology and when a ship was loaded and left the harbour; it was a waiting game for the day the ship would return. People would perish at sea and the great depths would swallow the sailors with a great loss of merchandise. You can understand the reason of the excitement when the ship docked after a long period of waiting and anticipation. It meant that the merchant had no loss and that his crew was safe. Psalm 107:23- 30 relates one such voyage. God brought the sailors who were plying routes on the great seas safely into harbour. There is power in the Word, it bring strength and victory. Before the ship reaches the harbour, there is a great voyage that must be undertaken. The seas have their own pirates, robbers and perils. The above scripture tells us about the great fleet that Solomon had. These ships returned once in every three years loaded down with the best of merchandise. These ships, would sail around the world and bring the best from those different lands. Solomon had to learn to wait for three years the ships were out.

Learn to wait child of God, for in due season, there is a reward for the one who patiently waits. You must walk in faith and confidence. Jesus in one of his sermons said, (Matt 12:40-42) “ For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. 42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.” Be still and know that a greater one is in our midst. Solomon in his entire splendor is nothing compared to the Lord Jesus, all you are asked to do is trust in Him and patiently wait on Him. Your ship is loaded down with gold, silver and ivory and it’s about to dock.

Prepare yourself to receive the best of the land. In moments like these, the devil would want you to be battle weary. Do not despair, this is the time to make that last move of faith for indeed, the Ship will dock despite what the circumstances are. Today you must hear the voice of the Spirit. He is speaking to you and saying "The Ship is about to dock." The season of uncertainty is coming to an end. The delay you were experiencing on things is coming to an end. It is not over for you, your ship is coming and it is coming loaded. Arise in praise for the Lord's time is now. Finish off the enemy that was holding back what’s yours through praise.



But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; (Rom 10:8 KJV). As the Jesus hung on that cross, His confession remained positive, though in pain, He understood the principle of the spoken Word and the victory that it carries in it. In one statement, Christ summed up the things that He had done and accomplished for us. He said '...it is finished.' (John 19:30). Those were His last words. The words were decisive and final. Believers must start walking in the finality of those words and live victorious lives today. The words meant the end of defeat for us, the end of sickness and failures. He paid the price on the cross.

Today we live in a world where we are bombarded with many things. It is easy to be carried away and run with the pace of this world. There are two main things that hinder us from experiencing the best in God. These two factors limit and keep us in a cage in which even the least of our potential will not be realized. We develop limiting mindsets that put Christ far from our reach. He is high up and cannot be brought down to deal with our situation. (Who shall ascend into the heavens and bring Christ down?).

We also fail to recognize the power Christ has. We have no idea how much He can do to turn our situations around. We think He is still with the dead (Who can descend into the deep and bring Christ up?) The book of Romans speaks of how in this day we increasingly need to put our faith in the Lord. There is a righteousness that comes because of faith in the Lord. Through this faith, we can overcome the two paradigms above. The Word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart. That is the Word of faith that is preached. The Word carries victory in it, if you confess it and do what it says; you will enjoy the victory that it carries. Be encouraged because you can overcome the challenges that surround you.

All you need to do is to raise the Word of faith. God has put tremendous power on our lips. When we speak, we speak oracles and things should fall into place and come into being. What have you been speaking lately? Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Pro 18:21). You are a sum total of the things you say. God is closer to you than your breathe, there is no need to descend or ascend, to be poor or rich, young or old for you to have access to this victory. The Word is in your mouth. The words that you say can change your life forever. Through words, the wise have been separated from fools and the successful from the failures. Words can change the destiny of an individual, organization or nation.



This is an impossible thing the king requires. No one except the gods can tell you your dream, and they do not live among people." The king was furious when he heard this, and he sent out orders to execute all the wise men of Babylon (Daniel 2:11- 12). There is no consolation in ignorance and those that try to use ignorance as an excuse will perish. God said in His Word that his people “perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Words are so powerful and when spoken, they create something. God Himself created the world by speaking the Word. What is happening today in your life is a result of the things you have been speaking. The devil understands the power of our words and he uses them against us to destroy us. If you are not careful and vigilant you will be the architect of your failure.

The Word urges us to condemn every word that is raised against us in judgment before those words take effect in our lives (Isaiah 54:17). A story is recorded in the book of Daniel that shows us how the devil can manipulate our ignorance or lack of knowledge. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that he could not understand and as was the custom, he called all the magicians that were in the land to tell him his dream and the interpretation. The magicians told the King that his request was impossible and that only God would tell him his dream but the problem was, he did not dwell amongst people. When they could not tell him the dream and the interpretation he made a decree that all the wise men should be killed. This was not true and the amazing thing is that Daniel and his friends were part of the wise men of Babylon but they were not summoned to this meeting. The devil was conspiring against them.

The decree of the king was not selective; it was going to affect all the wise men. The truth is that God dwells amongst His people and the Word tells us that nothing is impossible for those that believe but the magicians had disqualified this before the king with no one to dispute their words. Men were sent to find and kill Daniel and his friends. Daniel requested more time from the king so as to interpret the dream. The secret was revealed because Daniel and his friends entreated God for a revelation of the information.

The decree was reversed only when Daniel went to the King to speak for himself and he requested more time. Who is speaking on your behalf? Have you taken time to reverse words that have been spoken against you? Words have power and you have to increasingly understand that power and use it to your benefit. Do not allow people to define your destiny, God wants to do the best with your life. The devil might be telling you that you will not live through the year but rise up and speak against that. You are meant to live until you are satisfied. Be vigilant and sober; reverse negative words spoken against you.




 “Behold, thou hast instructed many, and thou hast strengthened the weak hands. Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees. But now it is come upon thee, and thou faintest; it toucheth thee, and thou art troubled.” Job 4:3-5 KJV You have strengthened the hands of those who were weary and encouraged them to carry on and not give up before. There is a question that I have always asked myself, "When it happens to you, how are you going to react?" Job was in the ministry of encouraging others. He was a man others could look up to for guidance in times of pain and failure. His friends for several times had been encouraged by this man Job by his counsel, their lives had been improved.

The Lord was about to take Job to the next level; he was about to bring promotion in his life. Job had upheld those who were falling and had strengthened the feeble knees. In this season, Job was facing adversity, in moments like these; realize that the Lord is still for you and is faithful to carry you through. You have to be focused on the Lord continually because in your adversity, God is taking you to the next level. Be careful of what you say because in such moments, the devil will suggest that you curse God and die. Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places… (Hab 3:17-19) Have things been going wrong in your life? Have you felt that the Lord has forgotten you and are you discouraged to the point of giving up? The above scripture paints a number of scenarios. In these scenarios we see desolation and disaster. They are scenarios in which all things seem to fail. However, the scripture goes on to say, "I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." God is looking for people that will draw their joy from the Lord and not the things that surround them. When you trust in the things that are around you, they are bound to change and hence your view of life will change with them. However, when you put your trust in the Lord, the Lord does not change hence we can be able to rejoice when things appear dim and unbearable.

Your strength has to be the Lord and nothing else. If you trust in man, intelligence and other outside variables, all these things are bound to change. Our God has an unchanging nature; he is not changed by world events! When we learn to put our faith in Him, we will not be dismayed and we will recognize that in all seasons, he causes us to walk upon our high places. The situation that you are facing today can be overcome, just learn to look up to the Lord and He will strengthen you. He will cause you to be fruitful in a season of drought and will cause you to overcome even when you do not have strength. When adversity comes, do not faint, stand and have confidence in the Lord!



“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed; Always bearing in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our body.” 2 Co 4:8 – 10 I gave my life to Jesus Christ at a young age and my thinking was that it was the end of all life troubles and challenges. Many new believers have no idea how to react when troubles mount in their lives. The Apostle Paul came face to face with troubles many times in his ministry. When troubles come, be aware that troubles are common to all.

Though there is trouble on every side, the Lord Jesus is still sitting on His throne at the right hand of the Father interceding for you. When you are in trouble, refuse that distress takes root in you. When you allow distress, it will weaken you and it will rob you of your praise. Don’t be perplexed by the size of your situation, never let it lead you to despair, trust in Jesus who is able to solve any problem. Persecutions will come because of our faith in the Jesus. Sadly in that persecution, you are not forsaken. Jesus said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. He is not moved by the circumstances we are in. The Lord is always close to us; He is Emmanuel, God with us! When you look at that situation, it might be mountain high but remind it of how big your omnipresent God is. Your enemies may scheme against you; they might even think that your end has come because of the excellent plans they have devised but though you are cast down, you are not destroyed. All the troubles are meant to demonstrate or manifest the life of Jesus in us. Job 5 v 20 records, “In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword.” It may rumble and thunder around you but God’s faithful provision will be seen in your life. There may be panic around you as people fear different things but the Lord will redeem you just to demonstrate the life of Jesus in your mortal body. Never let go of our eternal hope that one day we will meet with Him. He Himself will wipe away all your tears. It will be wonderful to hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Don’t grow weary in doing well; don’t give up on your integrity because of the pressure. He will reward those who endure to the end, those who face the pressure so that God’s power may be made manifest in their lives.



Psalm 107 v 20 He spoke, and they were healed – snatched from the door of death. (NLT) We live in a world that is full of harsh realities and one of those is different types of disease. One thing that you will notice in the ministry of Christ is that He always came across diseases in every place He went to. His ministry included healing the sick, and this has not changed, He is still on a mission to set the sick free. The Word carries much power in it and the moment it touches you, it is like He Himself Has physically touched you with His hand. You can literally reach out to His Word like you are reaching out for the hem of His garment. The devil’s mission is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10 v 10) but Jesus wants us to prosper and to be in good health. Sickness is a limitation, it comes to physically disable you and hinder you from fulfilling your purpose. It wants to stop you from reaching your maximum potential. Ultimately, sickness brings death. God sends His Word to counter any negative situation. When God speaks, every situation must bow because He is the Creator of everything. Psalm 107:20 says when God spoke, the people were healed; they were snatched from the door of death. The nature of the sickness does not matter. God will snatch you from the jaws of death despite the report of the doctor. God’s Word is eternal; it remains relevant in all time, it is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is why you can hold on to the word that He has spoken. Dan 10:19 says “And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.” (KJV) Take the Word, begin to read it despite your sickness, when you continue hearing the Word, you will be strengthened. Speak the Word loudly to yourself, it is medicine and will bring your healing.



“Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others. All this have I proved by wisdom…” Eccl 7 v 21-23 [KJV] Our words are powerful weapons that we can use to get something. They are spiritual and can accomplish great spiritual works. This is why as believers we should be careful what we say and hear. Solomon in the above scripture cautions us to be careful on what we hear.

You do not have to hear everything that is said in this world. Solomon as a ruler of a great kingdom, faced situations that needed an exercise of wisdom! He continually had to deal with false accusations and most of these things were created by words. Wisdom had taught him that we do not need to hear everything that is said about us. If you are a person who wants to hear everything, you will hear your servant curse you one day. You also at one time have cursed or said bad things about others in private.

You must leave that balance to exist about things that are said in this world. Wisdom is to listen to things that are of importance. Wisdom dictates that we should avoid offence that comes from words. When you hear something that is not pleasing, it is wisdom not to put it to heart. In the same way, when you hear someone saying something that is not right about someone, you have no right to go and parrot it to them. You also have said things about others and how would you feel if they were taken to them. Words can build and destroy people. They are an instrument for expressing love, compassion but in the same vein they can be used to transmit hate and destruction.

Be careful with the words that you say. When you are asked to relate something, do you add in things that were originally not part of what you were told? Do you try to impress people by putting in a few lies? Well, this can work out badly for you for words are permanent, with no chance of obliterating them. When you give ear to the wrong words, you will make premature decisions that will be detrimental to your joy. You will destroy relationships that are foundational in your life and are meant to help you towards attaining your goals. John 2 v 24-25 (NLT) says, “But Jesus didn't trust them, because he knew what people were really like. No one needed to tell him about human nature.” Jesus did not want to receive the comments of the people; He did not even take to heart the things they said. He understood human nature. Use your words to build bridges. Words are truly powerful; it is wisdom to know what to say and what to hear. Don’t entertain words of discouragement. In is a seed of greatness and what you hear will either water it or uproot it. The choice is yours today; choose not to listen to everything you hear. If you have heard something already that was not meant for you, do not commit it to heart… Quest to fill yourself with the Word only because it will nourish you and strengthen you



"If you keep my laws and are careful to obey my commands, I will send the seasonal rains. The land will then yield its crops, and the trees will produce their fruit. Your threshing season will extend until the grape harvest, and your grape harvest will extend until it is time to plant grain again. You will eat your fill and live securely in your land.[Leviticus 26 v 3-5] Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man that He should lie…has He ever promised and not carried it through?” There are times when we doubt God’s promises and wonder if He meant what He promised. The truth is God honours His Word and His promises are yes and amen in Jesus Christ. He is a covenant keeping God.

The above scripture makes us aware that before the promise comes, you have to keep His laws and obey His commands. The common problem in the body of Christ today is the lack of obedience to the Lord but a desire to partake of His promises. We have so many people that are busy running away from God’s will for their lives but at the same time want God to meet His end of the bargain. Nothing is impossible to the one who diligently follows the Word.. Through obedience, Jesus wants to bring you into an unending harvest period. The land is designed to yield the best to those who obey the Father.

At times we are in lack not because the Lord does not want to provide but because of failing to follow through on His Word. God respects His set principles and those who follow them receive His promises. "I will look favorably upon you and multiply your people and fulfill my covenant with you. You will have such a surplus of crops that you will need to get rid of the leftovers from the previous year to make room for each new harvest.

I will live among you, and I will not despise you. I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people.[Leviticus 26 v 9-12] You are set for abundant harvests in this season. Your silos are too small to contain the harvest that has been turned over to you. As you do the Word of God, there is an unlocking of abundance in your life. As a believer, God intends for you to thrive in the midst of chaos, he wants you to eat the best of the land.



And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise. For men swear by one greater than themselves, and with them an oath given as confirmation is an end of every dispute. In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set beforeus. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, [HEB 6 v 15-19 NAS]

In the midst of chaos and confusion, the children of God should rely on the Lord despite their location. Don’t panic, there is a Word for every situation you may go through. Do not fear for your investments even for your own life, we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear. God has confirmed our salvation, liberty and success in this life through two things; His promise and His oath. These according to the book of Hebrews are absolutes! God’s promise on its own is good enough but for Him to give us full assurance; He also gave us an oath. The above scripture highlights that it is impossible for God to lie.

He does not retract on His Word and like man He does not change His mind. Beloved, God Has made up His mind concerning the things that relate to you. You might seem to be going under but remember today that there are promises that He has deposited into your life. To solidify those promises, He made an oath with just you in mind. What a mighty God we serve! In verse 18 of the above reference, we are told, “so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.”

There indeed is hope that is set before us; it is because of this that you can rise up from your mess. In that test of life that you are in, you can be strengthened by the knowledge that He Has not abandoned you. He is surely a God that turns your mess into your message and your test into your testimony.



And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? Mark 4 v 37- 39 [KJV]

The story of the Titanic is probably one of modern day stories that relate to the rage that the sea can unleash. One of the most challenging times for any sailor is not when the sea is calm but when there is a storm and high winds or when there is a threat of sinking from whatever reason. A storm at sea can destroy even a state of the art ship and bring it down to the peril of those in it. Jesus and the disciples came face to face with one such storm at sea. My spirit is drawn towards the words that Christ had said in verse thirty-five just before they started off on that trip. “And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.” LUKE 8:35. ‘Let us pass over unto the other side.’

The next thing we hear after those words is the arising of a great storm. There is a relationship between the words Christ spoke and the arising of the storm. That is evidenced by the experiences that we go through in life. Many times when the Lord gives you a Word, the devil tries his best to oppose it. Many have gone through moments when they knew that the Lord was calling them to expand their horizons but they faced great opposition after receiving the word. You need to constantly focus on that word until it is fulfilled in your life. That opposition does not mean the Lord has forsaken you.

He said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ Christ was in the ship, at peace and resting when there was chaos all around the boat. Why would He be so much at peace in the midst of the storm? He had released a Word and despite the opposition, that Word was going to be fulfilled, they were going over to the other side. Jesus rested in that Word. The disciples were panicking and they woke Jesus up, they lacked faith. They blamed Jesus for being at peace in the midst of the storm. When Jesus woke up, He spoke to the sea and there was immediately a calm that amazed everyone. Jesus did not say,

‘That was close!’ He asked, ‘Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?’ The disciples feared for their lives despite the fact that the author of life was with them! They feared the storm and the sea yet the Master of it all was with them. You might think that indeed the disciples had no faith since Christ was right there with them but this is the same thing with you today, Christ is right there with you in your heart but you demonstrate the same fear the disciples showed that day.

When you pass through the storms of life, put your faith in Christ. The word has been released concerning your destiny, come hail or thunder, nothing will stop its fulfillment. Life threatening situations will come but have faith in Him. I hear His voice in your situation saying, ‘HUSH…Peace be still!’ He is watching over that word to perform it.



 " As they discussed who should be appointed for the job, Pharaoh said, "Who could do it better than Joseph? For he is a man who is obviously filled with the spirit of God." Gen 41:38 Joseph was a brilliant young man, intelligent and with a big portfolio of dreams. Success was definitely supposed to be a given for him. Here is a young man who had the doors to his future wide open for him and nothing was going to stop him. His father loved him very much but in that love, he had to deal with hatred from his brothers. He had amazing dreams and in those dreams, he had to deal with the opposition that was coming to him from all directions. The summary of this young man was that of a person in conflict. He had a dream and a vision but he had to go through a tough road to the realization of those goals and dreams. There is a journey to be taken on the road to the realization of your dream. Joseph waited for several years to hear the words in Gen 41:38 said to him, "Who could do it better than Joseph?" Obstacles are never a signal for the end of your dreams. Today I want to assure you that God is keeping your dream alive. Joseph found himself in the hands of his brothers and they had plans to kill him. His brothers threw him into a pit.

In that pit Joseph should have been calling unto to the father like some of us. We usually confront God with the question "Why me?" I am sure God's answer has always remained the same, "Because you are special!" In those situations, the Lord is busy preparing you for that big dream that you have. You are so special to Him. When he left the pit, he was sold into slavery. It was time for him to come out of the familiar territory and go to Egypt ahead of his family. The methods that God used to bring Joseph closer to his throne were unconventional. As a slave in Potiphar’s house he did well and was promoted but at that moment, a false accusation came and he landed in prison. All these things were allowed to prepare Joseph. From prison, Joseph saw the fulfillment of his dream.

I want to encourage you today that the dream you have is not dead God is keeping your dream alive in every situation that you face. Romans 5:3-5, Paul says tribulations are good and the reason is that when you go through tribulation, it brings about perseverance. Perseverance brings about proven character, and proven character hope. And hope does not disappoint because of the love of God. Hope in the Lord and you will not be disappointed. The tribulations that we face are not a misnomer; it is the highway of God for the realization of your maximum potential. In everything, keep your focus on Him.



For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Gal 5:1 RSV) The sad thing about the slave trade was not the very act of making people slaves but it was the pain that came with the breaking up of the families. The social fabric of Africa was dealt a severe blow as the most productive, the fathers, and the beautiful ones were taken as slaves. At this juncture, I will define what a slave is, according to the Oxford Dictionary. A slave is, "a person who is the property of another and is obliged to work for him or her or one who is dominated by another or by an influence." Paul addresses the Galatians and he says to them. It was for freedom that Christ Has set us free. Stand fast therefore and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. When one is born again, there is a danger of failing to understand what Jesus Has done and thereby a failure to walk in the power of His might. One then remains in bondage. Christ died to free all from the forces that once held us captive. We were slaves in our sins. We were bound and being led to death. There was disruption in our lives. Everything that we worked on did not succeed. When Jesus came and we received Him, He made us free and we must enjoy the freedom.

Many have remained in the pain of poverty and all the negative things that have happened in their lives for failing to embrace His freedom. Many lead themselves back into captivity through crippling mindsets. Paul urges us and he says, "Stand fast therefore." Don’t be carelessness. Disregard everything that may seek to destroy you and just stand. You have to stand and defend this freedom that you have received from Christ! With the freedom that you have attained, do not submit yourself again to the yoke of bondage. It is possible as a believer to put yourself under the yoke of the enemy again. This is why it’s so imperative for you to stand fast.

The yoke of slavery does not have any power over you anymore. There is only one person who can put you under that yoke again-that person is you. The devil cannot do it; no demon in hell can put you under that yoke again. They can only succeed with your help. The African slaves looked forward to a day of freedom. When that day came, some of them were used to slavery that they were happy remaining with their masters as slaves. Have you been a slave for too long that you are happy marching back into that lustful relationship? You are emerging a winner; you will not and cannot be enslaved again in your life.



So he said: "From the one who eats came something to eat; out of the strong came something sweet." Three days later they were still trying to figure it out. (Judges 14:14 NLT) When the Word comes, it is an encouragement to His children. It brings strength where naturally there is no strength. Samson was appointed by the Lord as a judge in Israel; they were under the oppression of the Philistines. In their distress, the people started crying to the Lord. God was moved and Samson was raised.

As Samson was on his way to Timnah, a young lion attacked him The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon Samson and he ripped the lion apart like a little kid. Don't you remember that the Bible says that when the devil comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him? Rise up and make use of the strength that the Lord has made available to you.

Later on, Samson revisited the carcass of the lion and he found there was honey inside it A situation that could have ended Samson’s life became a source of victory and nourishment for him. Some bees had made honey in the carcass of the young lion. Samson's danger became the source of beautiful honey which did not only feed him but even others. Is this not what the Lord wants to do in us, when we pass through difficult times, it not his desire that we will find good in bad and be a blessing to other people. Samson then coined a riddle: "From the one who eats came something to eat; out of the strong came something sweet." God’s desire is to bring the best out of your difficult situation. God can turn around the situation for your own good. The carcass of the lion was rotting but amazingly Samson found honey in it. Is there a situation in your life which you which is rotting? God through his Holy Spirit wants to bring the best out of it. You must be rest assured that the hand of the Lord is there to turn things around for your own good.





So I told them, 'Bring me your gold earrings.' When they brought them to me, I threw them into the fire – and out came this calf!" Exo 32:24 God heard the cry of the children of Israel as they were oppressed in Egypt. In His compassion, he sent Moses his servant to rescue them and set them free from the yoke of slavery. As Moses was coming down from the mountain where he was meeting with the Lord, he found the whole nation in crisis. The people had turned away from God and were worshipping a golden calf. Aaron understood and knew the command that God had given to Israel. Remember he was Moses’ spokesperson in Egypt.

When Aaron is questioned about what had happened in Moses’ absence, he refuses to take responsibility. God wants to take you to new dimensions but as long as you are still full of excuses, you will not experience it. Failure to take responsibility results in stagnancy. When Aaron was confronted by Moses concerning his sin, he answered Moses, “…I threw them into the fire and out came this calf,” (Verse 24). He tries to run away from responsibility. Many times you hear people blaming their fathers for the things that have happened in their lives.

God has provided a way out of your situation, and that way is for you to arise and take responsibility for your situation. Aaron was supposed to fall down and repent for his sin. His was a sin that caused a loss of many lives in the nation that day but all he does is attribute the misfortune to some miracle that happened in the fire and produced a golden calf. This is the season for us to focus on God like never before. If there are any golden calves in your life, this is the time to destroy them and move your eyes to focus on the Lord Jesus. An excuse is a justification of fault or a release from an obligation or duty. The Lord is saying to you today enough of those excuses. Arise and change things around you; the power is in your hands.





These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (KJV) Looking at the events taking place around us, it is to despair, but the words above must bring us comfort today. It might appear as if worldliness is prevailing against good today but be of good cheer, Jesus overcame the world. There is no one who is above the law for there is a higher law in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Lord of justice and we can derive comfort in the fact that he is the one who defends the helpless. All the answers we ever need are stored up in his Word.

We can never get peace from the things that are around us but only from his Word. If you have been searching for peace from your surroundings, this is the time to give up the search and look for peace from the Word. He is the one who gives peace that surpasses all understanding. It is a given that there will be tribulation in the world. These words were spoken to the disciples and to us. Praise God for Christ has subdued the world and he has put the world under His feet. Many of the great leaders in the New Testament had to taste prison life in their pursuit of the heavenly vision. Look at John the Baptist, Paul, Peter to name but a few.

In Psalm 11David investigates how the righteous should react in the midst of crumbling foundations. He gives the answers; the Lord is in His Holy temple and he sees everything that is happening in our lives. The situations in our lives, at the moment are in the Lord's full view. He is a just God and he will see to it that justice is carried out? Just remember the words of our Lord Jesus, "In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." The requirement is not just being cheerful but demonstrating cheerfulness that goes beyond the known measure. Hold on, for thy deliverance is nigh for our Lord Jesus spoke and said, "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (Rev 3:11-KJV).”




 The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust. Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die.

The wind blows, and we are gone – as though we had never been here. But the love of the LORD remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children's children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments! (Psa 103:13-18 NLT) You have been in a place of uncertainty before, where you did not know how things will turn out in your life. The Lord is like a father to his children, he is tender and compassionate to those who fear him. One of the most fascinating relationships is between a father and his child. A Father stands in the place of a provider. God desires to provide for your every need and to give you your heart’s desire. David had seen this type of provision and love from God and he exclaims and says God is like a father to his children. In every situation, you ought to continually realize that you have a Father in heaven that is interested in all the details of your life. Besides fatherhood, God is also tender and compassionate to those who fear Him.

Those who fear the Lord see the tenderness of the Lord and His compassion. Life has always been expressed by the word of the Lord as a moment, as a breath, something that disappears as soon as it appears. David says that our days on earth are like grass, like wild flowers, we bloom and die. He says the wind blows and we are gone as though we have been never been here. Life is not something we can easily disregard and live like we will live forever. We all have testimonies of people we have buried, righteous and unrighteous.

This goes to show that our lives are for a moment. We need to rise up and live every day to the full and all to the glory of the Lord. This is the time for you to know that the love of the Lord is with you. Paul says in the Book of Romans that nothing shall separate us from the love of God. The promise is not only to you but also to your children’s children. A lot of insurance companies promise that your family will be looked after when you die, however, there is no guarantee for that. David points us to the Life Assurance of God and this is not to you only but also to your children and not to them only but to their children also. What better inheritance can you leave the next generation? The love of the Lord will give them success and victory in everything.



Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Ps 19:14 KJV) What are the imaginations and meditations of your heart? Your imagination has the power to make you see beyond the defined limitations in your life. The Lord delights in those that meditate on His Word. If your meditation is abused, it is capable of bringing the worst results in your life. The tragedy today is that many people increasingly abuse their meditation as they meditate on negative things. On your way to the top, you have to use your imagination to give you a glimpse of the beautiful place that you are going to. If you do not learn to imagine positively, you have failed to master the art of living positively.

There are limitations in your life today because you still have not fathomed the power you wield as you imagine and meditate. Do not give room to negative thought for it is capable of destroying your dreams and vision.

Negative imaginations are like a cancer that starts small but when it’s finished with you, it will have destroyed all the cells of your body. Negative imaginations are a great threat to your ability because they magnify your failures to proportions that are too big you can’t see your successes. When that happens, you will not continue because the seed of fear will take root in you. This is the time to destroy the imaginary boxes that you have created in your life. You have to increasingly feel the need of moving out of your comfort zone. You will be amazed how many opportunities you missed as you imagined negatively and limited yourself. You were created to be free and there is no reason for you to subject yourself to invisible chains. Today, examine the words of your mouth and the meditations and imaginations of your heart. Are they acceptable in the sight of God? Are they enabling you to reach out for the promises of God or they are crippling you and robbing you of all the ability to make it in life? God is already your strength and ability.

Through the great deposits he has made in you are supposed to rise above the clouds and sour like an eagle. Don’t let your words and thoughts limit you. You remain the master of your destiny. Your success depends on you. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The way you look today is a result of the way you have imagined and thought. You can change your whole outlook by changing the meditation and imaginations that re in your heart.



And he said, Thus says the Lord: Make this [dry] brook bed full of trenches. 17 For thus says the Lord: You shall not see wind or rain, yet that ravine shall be filled with water, so you, your cattle, and your beasts [of burden] may drink. (2 Kings 3:16-17) They were stuck in the rut; dryness was the order of their day. There seemed to be no solace for this group that had set off to fight a battle hoping to bring victory home. The threat was real; they were going to die without even a single arrow being shot at them.

Their silent killer was going to be the lack of water to quench their thirst. It was looming and was sure to happen unless a miracle took place. Elisha the prophet was summoned into the situation. He was a man of God with solutions to mind boggling situations such as this one. His answer to the state of things was way out of the ordinary. It was not a conventional one! They needed water now and his solution was a round robin. "Dig trenches in this dry brook bed." Everyone knew that no matter how much you dug; there would be no water out of that ground! But God's Word is for doing! Peter and his fellows had toiled all night and caught nothing but when Jesus told him to launch into the deep, he said, "at thy word I will let down the nets." The result was a net breaking and boat sinking catch.

There is something that they needed to make before God would play his part. The little energy they had left had to be spent digging in the dry valley. The water did not come instantly, it also demanded for them to dig deep into their patience reserves. Naturally, the wind must bring the clouds from somewhere and rain must fall to solve this type of problem. Well, not necessarily, God is not limited to the methods we are accustomed to. The prophet dismissed these two normal channels and said the valley would still be filled with water. Everyone would drink and be spared of imminent death. Your answer is not in the Economics books, it is not in certain indicators in the economy of your country.

God has certain methods at His disposal. Are you caught between a rock and a hard place? Are you out of ideas on how to make a trip out of that difficulty which is ever threatening your life? There is only one thing to do, DIG! Make that valley full of trenches. God is sending a flush flood from unexpected sources. Your business might not be doing so great right now, DIG! When you obey Him, you will reap the reward of a fulfilled Word. Instead of crying for lack, what system have you put in place so that when opportunity begins to flow, your trenches will retain what has come? Build a system, it might seem to be bringing in little but hey, morning is breaking and that water will flow and fill those trenches.

Nothing else is going to contain the water for your benefit but the trenches you have invested effort and sweat in. This word is prophetic for you today, it is releasing for you uncommon favor. It is unlocking locked doors. As the Word does this, make sure you are ready to retain and contain the flow of the water. Build your capacity to a level where you can contain that which God is doing. I pray for you today, that every stumbling block that has been zapping away your energy be removed. I pray for you that your feeble knees and weak hands be strengthened with mighty. I pray that you may make that valley of dryness full of trenches in preparation for your turn around. Keep digging!




Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work, nor plan, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave where you go. (Ecc 9:10) So you have these great dreams? That is a wonderful thing. Those dreams must be given life and expression for them to be meaningful. You must take action towards their fulfillment. Many realize that they have wasted much time and nothing has been achieved in their life time. A lifetime is made up of minutes, hours, days, months and years. What you use your minutes for directly translate to what you used your lifetime for. Solomon found this secret and said, “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might…” There is nothing as terrible as half baked bread! It is a waste of both effort and resources.

Your life must be lived in a calculated manner for it to produce results. Manna still rains from heaven but for those who have taken time and effort to walk into the desert. There is no fruit without hard and honest work. Nothing comes around on its own except bills-these will come at the end of the month whether you act or not. The greatest limiting factor is procrastination. A tendency to never do anything, leaving things for tomorrow that must be done and accomplished today. To be great, you must relentlessly pursue that greatness. Today my challenge to you is that you must refuse mediocrity. Work on the things you are on as if it is your last opportunity to do it. This applies to everywhere you find yourself-at work, in school wherever! There is no “work in the grave, or plan, or knowledge, or wisdom.”

This means if your life is lacking these four virtues-work, plan, knowledge and wisdom your existence is questionable. You might be holding a job; you might even be doing stuff in your life but is that the best that can come out of you. What would happen if you put in a bit more effort? If you planned better, if you sought more knowledge on the subject matter and if you operated with God given prudence? What steps have you taken today towards that big goal? How do those steps contribute to the attainment of it? What have you deferred that you were supposed to do? Those mountains will not move when you do nothing; they will only move when you start doing something. Keep digging trenches in that valley.



And the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and cometh not again: and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously. (2 Ki 9:20 KJV) Jehu was known for a unique way of doing things. It was his signature and from afar, the watchmen could identify him. He drove furiously, with no hesitation or fear! The nation was in crisis and when he was called upon to play a role in correcting things, there was little vacillation from Jehu. Time and again, life may hit a stagnant spot.

All may seem lost and it might appear as if there is no way out. Daily tasks become mundane and you feel like you are a spent force. There might not be cheering on the grandstands of your life. Not much fanfare but like Jehu drive furiously because as you continue pushing, something must give. When things seem to wrong, DRIVE! When there seem to be no progress, DRIVE! When you seem down, DRIVE! Jehu drove that chariot furiously. As you keep DRIVING, the stubborn situation must give way! You are a failure when you cower back and surrender. DRIVE furiously, victory is in view. Say "I WILL DRIVE" When one sets of to dig a well, to get the water he knows he must endure until he gets to the water table. They may be a few trickles of water along the way but he will not cower back and say his Endeavour is not fruitful. The hour he hits the water table, all his labour is fruitful at once.

Giving up is worse than never beginning as someone else will come and put minimum effort to profit on your labour. Heed the word to day; you must drive furiously towards the attainment of that university degree. The studying might be hard and painful but drive still. Others are in a place of pain, not sure if their business toiling will bring in a profit, as you continue driving there is something that will give. A few years ago, I was put in a tight place where I needed to do sales. I was never confident with my sales skills. I knocked several doors without much success but as I continued, I started selling the product effortlessly. My failures turned out to be really a learning curve. Today I salute you because you have come this far. Let me be that cheering voice in your grandstands as I join in with the crowd of witnesses gathered to cheer you on. You can’t be a failure as heaven itself is on your side.

You are crowned with power from on high. You have been given the ability to make it. What seemed hard and impossible must give in to your persistent effort. As you sustain what you are doing and repeat it over and over again, victory is imminent. Drive furiously! Your victory is awaited on by many. You must be the example to others. Your giving up does not profit anybody. You can turn around that business, marriage, finances or whatever seems to be your obstacle. Just keep driving.



"Come on now, let's go across to these uncircumcised pagans. Maybe GOD will work for us. There's no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop GOD from saving when he sets his mind to it." (1 Sam 14:6 MSG) As you drive furiously, there will be impediments in your way. You must lean on the resources that are deep within. As the environment opposes dig within where you will find a cushion against the outside torrents. New levels and new dimensions are sitting right inside of you. There are still mountains to climb and accolades to collect in your life. You are not a spent force! Jesus said, the one who believes in Him “…out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water John 7:38).”

 When these rivers of living water start flowing, they will break into your normal routines of life. They are a flood and not a trickle of water! They will break into your marriage, your business, your family life, your job and everything about you. Success has always been an inside job, never external! Jonathan drew out of his inner resources at a time when Israel was under the oppression of the Philistines. There were no weapons in the land. You could count the number of swords available in the whole country. The people of the land were in hiding, afraid! It was a pathetic situation. In the midst of all this, Jonathan said to his amour bearer, “Come on now…” Beautiful words which I want to repeat to you today, Come on now! The way things are is subject to change. Come on now, you have the power to transform the way things are. Come on now, disregard the dictates of your environment and rise to a level of prominence over your circumstances.

Come on now, you are not a beggar in life but a master according to the order of God. Come on now, you carry inner resources that can take you to the top! Against all odds, Jonathan stood up with his armour bearer to go to the garrison of the Philistines to challenge the status quo. If you looked at them from the outside, they were ill equipped and sheep for the slaughter. They were outnumbered; all odds were stacked up against them. The power inside continued to propel Jonathan forward. He was equal to the task and drove furiously towards the achievement of the freedom of all in his nation. He knew that as a prince, there were sacrifices to made and comfort zones to be abandoned for the greater good of all. Jonathan spoke words that propelled him forward. His belief in God was well intact. “There is no rule that says God can only deliver by a big army.” He can save by few too, glory to God! Jonathan was provoking something in the heavens. Heaven will back up the one who believes. God is proud to be associated with the one who will entirely trust in Him. He is not glorified by bench warmers. He is not glorified by those who are fearful. He is not glorified by those who are crybabies! You better wipe those tears and rise up to levels never imagined. He is glorified by those who will rise and act. This is the season to drive furiously. When Jonathan got into the garrison of the enemy, they all began to fall before him and his armour bearer slaughtered after him. They fell because of what was inside of him. Drive I say, drive furiously

Bible Verses

 Date: 06/10/2024 Yudas 1:3 Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, sementara aku bersungguh-sungguh berusaha menulis kepada kamu tentang kesela...

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