Monday 12 September 2022

Christian Growth & Victory Part 4

MEMORY VERSES: Ephesians 5:18-19; Hebrews 12:1-2


In the last two lessons we looked at eight important ways to grow spiritually and to have victory in Christ: abiding in Christ, putting off the old man and putting on the new, confessing sin, pressing toward the mark, devouring the Word, protecting the Word, separation from the world, and separation from false teachers.


In this lesson we will look at four final things: yielding to the Spirit, establishing godly habits, keeping one’s eyes on Christ, and drawing nigh to Christ.




Spiritual victory in the Christian life is through surrender to and yielding to the indwelling Holy Spirit.


1.  Being filled with the Spirit means to be under the Spirit’s control. As a man is under the control of wine when he is drunk, so the believer is under the Spirit’s control when he is filled with the Spirit. It is only in this one sense that being filled with the Spirit is likened to being drunk with wine. In truth, being filled with the Spirit is not likened to being drunk with wine; it is contrasted to being drunk with wine. Some Charismatics teach that Spirit filling is to be drunk with the Spirit, so that the individual falls down and laughs and acts like a drunk, but this is ridiculous and unscriptural. When the disciples were filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Peter plainly stated that they were not drunk (Acts 2:15). They were not stumbling around and falling on the ground and laughing hysterically! No, to be Spirit filled simply means to yield to God’s control in my life. It means to die to self-will and self-desire and to live for Christ. It means to start each day by surrendering myself to the Lord for that day, and then as

choices come my way I choose to do God’s will rather than my own. When the believer does this, God gives him spiritual strength and wisdom and guidance. This is walking in the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit.


2.   To be filled with the Spirit is not a one-time act or experience; it is a process. The verb in Ephesians 5:18 is in the continuous tense. It is not a matter of achieving a state of perfection; it is a matter of growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. The believer must not get discouraged when he sins; he can be filled with the Spirit anew by confessing his sin and by yielding to the Spirit’s leadership and control.


3.   Observe that being filled with the Spirit is associated with singing spiritual songs (Eph. 5:19). There is power in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. In Ephesians 5, Paul associated the singing of spiritual songs with being filled with the Holy Spirit. Just as David’s songs calmed the troubled king (1 Samuel 16:23), spiritual songs can feed and encourage the believer’s “new man.” It is a good practice to memorize hymns and spiritual songs so that they can be used when trials come. A godly woman told me that she once went through a hard trial during which she found it difficult to pray or read her Bible, but she kept singing a simple spiritual song over and over and the Lord gave her the victory.


It is wise to build a library of good sacred music and listen to it as one has opportunity, on a personal music player, in the car, and in the home. The late Pastor J.B. Buffington said,


“Worldly music produces a worldly environment and creates worldly attitudes. On the other hand, you can program temperament and stability and peace and quietness in your home if you get good sacred Christian music. You can play Bible stories in a room where a little baby is sleeping, and you are programming Bible stories into his little mind. Kids don’t have to learn things formally; you just put it there and they are like a blotter. They absorb it. Put soothing, Christ-honoring, soul-stirring Christian music on and just let it play in your home, and you are programming something of security and tranquility and peace into the children’s hearts” (“How to Lose

a Child Before He Is Five Years Old”).


We must warn against the carnal Christian music that is popular today. The Bible says we must sing “spiritual songs.” This is the opposite of worldly songs. Spiritual music is the opposite of music that feeds the flesh. It is the opposite of the world’s party music. We have already seen that God forbids us to associate with the evil things of the world (1 John 2:15-16).


A list of “Suggested Sacred Music Recordings” can be found at the Way of Life Literature web site.


4.    Being filled with the Spirit is associated with giving thanks to God (Eph. 5:20). If I have a critical, complaining attitude, I am not filled with the Spirit, because He is grieved by such things (Eph. 4:30-31).


5.   Being filled with the Spirit is associated with godly relationships (Eph. 5:21 -6:9). To be filled with the Spirit requires obeying Him, and He wants us to treat one another in a godly manner. Spirit-filled wives submit to their husbands. Spirit-filled husbands love their wives. Spirit-filled children obey and honor their parents. Spirit-filled fathers do not provoke their children to wrath. Spirit-filled servants are obedient to their masters. Spirit-filled masters treat their servants justly.




Our lives are busy and it is essential to establish godly habits so that God is not crowded out. We should establish a habit of daily Bible reading and intercessory prayer, a habit of faithful church attendance, a habit of participating in organized evangelism, a habit of spending time with our families, and many such things.


This does not mean that we only think of God and only serve God during special times in the day and week. We are to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17), to

always have a conscience void of offence toward God (Acts 24:16), to always abound in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58), to give thanks always (Eph. 5:20), to be ready always to give a testimony for Christ (1 Pet. 3:15).


We must beware, too, lest our spiritual habits become mere routine, lest our “form becomes formality.” We keep our spiritual habits fresh by staying in fellowship with Christ.




We must keep our eyes on Christ. He will never fail or offend. The believer stumbles when he gets his eyes off of Christ and on to anything else, such as his own sin, the world, difficulties in life, or other people. Those who have their eyes on Christ and are serving Him with an undivided heart don’t stumble when they see other believers commit sins or otherwise do things that offend. For example, when churches have troubles it soon becomes evident which of the members are truly walking with Christ. They continue to walk with Him regardless of what happens. But those who are looking at man and following man become discouraged and even quit when someone or something offends them.


ABIDING IN CHRIST (Matthew 11:28-30)


We started with this point, and we will end with it, because the most important thing the believer can do to grow spiritually and to have victory is to walk in fellowship with the Lord and to trust Him at all times. The Christian life is a personal relationship with Christ, the eternal Son of God. It is a matter of receiving Him and serving Him and learning of Him. This is the essence of true Christianity and it is the way of spiritual growth and victory.




1.  What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?


2.  What did Peter say when he was accused of being drunk on the Day of Pentecost?


3.  To be filled with the Spirit is not a                  act or experience; it is a



4.  Why is filling with the Spirit associated with singing spiritual songs?


5.  Spiritual songs are the opposite of                    songs.


6.  Spiritual music is the opposite of music that                                       .


7.  How is being filled with the Spirit associated with giving thanks to God?


8.  Why is it important to establish godly habits?


9.  What are some godly habits that the Christian should establish in his life?


We must beware lest our        becomes      

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