Monday 12 September 2022

The Bible Part 1

MEMORY VERSES: Psalm 119:105; Luke 24:27; Romans 15:4


What is the Bible?


The Bible is the book that God has given to reveal Himself to mankind. It answers all of life’s important questions, such as who is God? Where did man come from? What is the purpose of life? Why is the world filled with suffering? Why does man die? What happens after death? How can man get into right relationship with God? Who is Jesus? Why did he die? What will happen in the future?


The Bible was written by about 40 different prophets that God chose, and they wrote the words that God gave them (2 Peter 1:21). It was written over a period of about 1,600 years, from about 1500 B.C. to 90 A.D.


The word “bible” is from the Greek word biblios, which means a book. The Bible is one Book that speaks with one voice, but it is divided into two major sections--the Old Testament and the New Testament. Further, there are 66 individual books in the Bible: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. The books are divided into chapters and each chapter is divided into verses for ease in locating passages. For example, John 3:16 refers to the book of John, chapter 3, verse 16.


“Testament” means covenant or agreement.


THE OLD TESTAMENT is God’s covenant with man through the Law of Moses. The Law was given to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus by revealing God’s holiness and man’s sinfulness (Romans 3:19-20).

The Old Testament was written primarily in the Hebrew language.


The Old Testament is divided into the following major sections: The Law --Genesis to Deuteronomy. This section is also called the Pentateuch (meaning “five books”). It describes the creation of heaven and earth and man, the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the worldwide flood of Noah’s day, the Tower of Babel and the multiplication of the languages, the call of Abraham and the beginning of the Jewish nation through Abraham’s sons, Israel’s Egyptian bondage and exodus, and the giving of God’s Law (including the 10 Commandments).


The History -- Joshua to Esther. This section contains the history of Israel, the Jewish nation, from the time of the conquering of the Promised Land to the Babylonian Captivity.


The Poetic Books -- Job to the Song of Solomon. This section deals with the worship of God and profound questions of life, such as the purpose of suffering and the seeming vanity of earthly existence.


The Prophets -- Isaiah to Malachi. This section contains prophecies concerning Israel, mankind as a whole, and Jesus Christ.


The NEW TESTAMENT is God’s covenant with man through the salvation purchased by Christ. The New Testament contains the account of Christ’s miraculous birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, the teachings of Christ’s apostles, and prophecies of the future.


The New Testament was written in the Greek language.


The New Testament is divided into the following major sections: The Gospels --

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. The four Gospels give the birth, life, death,

resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. They also contain prophecies of His second coming.


The Acts of the Apostles. The book of Acts contains the history of the establishment and spread of the first churches.


Paul’s Epistles -- Romans to Philemon. These are letters written by the apostle Paul to instruct various churches and individuals in Christian doctrine.


The General Epistles -- Hebrews to Jude. These are called the “general epistles” because they were not written to churches but were written for Christians in general. They were written by Paul, James, Peter, Jude, and John.


Prophecy -- Revelation. This book contains prophecies about the end of the age.


The relationship between the Old Testament and the New can be seen in the following comparison: O.T. - New Testament

Promise - Fulfillment Preparation - Presentation

The Foundation - The Building REVIEW QUESTIONS ON THE BIBLE PART 1


1.  What is the Bible?


2.  What types of questions does the Bible answer?


3.  The Bible was written by about how many prophets?


4.  The Bible was written over a period of about how many years?


5.  The word "Bible" means what?

6.  The Bible is divided into what two major sections?


7.  The Bible has how many individual books?


8.  What is a chapter?


9.  What is a verse?


10.  What does the word "testament" mean?


11.  What was the purpose of the Old Testament?


12.  In what language was the Old Testament written?


13.  What are the four major sections of the Old Testament?


14.  What is the content of the New Testament?


15.  In what language was the New Testament written?


16.  What are the five major sections of the New Testament?

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